Monday, October 29, 2012

Coast Salish People

This article by Micheal Marker is about the Coast Salish people. Coast Salish people are Native Americans who live northwestern United States and the southwestern part of Canada. They are considered to be one group of people today however they came under attack at one point, which separated them into two tribes. Governments have been trying to assimilate the Salish people in order to destroy their common connections. Their attempts have included schools, which strip children from their native culture. The article ends explaining how Coast Salish people are trying to re-claim their rights and eliminate discrimination. 

Article PDF:

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


To summrize fracking, it is basically done in three steps. The first step is perforation An electric current is sent via wire to a perferating gun. The charge shoots small holes through the cement and a short distance into the shale. Step two, fracturing is exactly what it sounds like rocks are compressed and must be fractured to draw out natural gas. At this point fracking fluid is sent into the rocks for them to crack. In the final step the rocks are now cracked hence gas can pass through them. 
Fracking is a controversial issue in the US although it is a great source of natrual reasources it comes with great risks. Today fracking sites are being put near college campuses and residual areas. 

Monday, October 8, 2012

Global Warming

This artifact is a simple glimpse of how global warming, something mainly caused by humans is affecting the environment. While we continue to diffuse toxins into our air temperatures continue to rise hence causing ice to melt. This does get ride of our waste however it creates a problem for these bears for their homes are disappearing.